Conference Information


Venue:      National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001, India

Date:         6 -10 November, 2001 (The Conference will be formally inaugurated on Monday,   the 5th November, 2001 in the afternoon. The scientific sessions will commence in the forenoon of 6th November, 2001.)      


Language: English


Registration: All delegates will be registered by filling the Registration Form and paying the registration fee. Registration fee will be paid by Bank Draft in favor of "INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOTANISTS LUCKNOW" payable at the State Bank of India, Lucknow (India). Cheques/Credit cards will not be accepted.

            All delegates from foreign countries, including non-resident Indians will pay the Registration fee and other charges in US dollars. Delegates from SAARC countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) can, however, pay in Indian rupees through Bank Draft, drawn through authorized banks in their countries.

            While a 10% discount in Registration fee has been granted to all bonafide members of ISEB, the same concession will also be admissible to non-members who make payment on or before 31 May, 2001. Registration after this date will be accepted at normal rates till 6 November, 2001 at the Registration Desk at the Conference venue.

            Refund of Registration fee will be permitted, if the request is received, not later than 31 August, 2001 after deduction of processing charges.


Registration fee:


        Indian (Rs.)

 Foreign/NRIs (US $)        

Members of ISEB     






Student members of ISEB









*Post-docs are not included in students' category.

Accommodation: Delegates may arrange their own accommodation or contact the conference authorised Travel agent. The Organising Committee will also be able to arrange accommodation in hostels of local R&D institutes for a limited number of delegates for which the delegates will have to reserve in advance. The charges for hostel accommodation for full duration of the Conference are: Rs. 500=00 and US $ 100=00 for Indian and foreign delegates, respectively. This includes transportation from place of stay to the venue of the Conference and back. Those needing this facility should include a Bank Draft of Rs. 500=00 (US $ 100) along with the request.

Travel Assistance: The following government, semi-government organizations/scientific academies of India have bilateral scientific exchange programmes with different countries. Under these programmes, foreign scientists could avail partial/total travel assistnace to visit India and participate in ICPEP-2. Intending foreign participants may approach these organizations through the organizations/academies in their respective countries.

1.      Head, ISTAD, Council of Scientific Research (CSIR), Rafi Marg,

Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi-110001, India.

      Phone: 91-11-3714208; Fax: 91-11-3739041;

2.       Executive Secretary, Indian National Science Academy,

Bahadurshah Zafar Marg,, New Delhi-110002, India.

Phone:91-11-3235153/3232096; Fax: 91-11-3231095/3235648


Conference Secretariat:

Dr. K. J. Ahmad
Organizing Secretary
National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001, India.

Phones: Office:+ 91-(0)-522-205831-35  Ext. 223

              Res.:   +91-(0)-522-269269/308822/211914/354905/763108

Fax:       +91-(0)-522-205836/205839   








Travel Agent:

SITA World Travel (I) Limited

Raj Chambers, 29/9, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001, India

Phones:     +91-(0)-522-209611 - 13 and 205548 - 49

Mobile:      9838000313 (Arun Tewari)

Fax:           +91-(0)-522-522-209611 - 13



Abstracts: Abstract not exceeding 250 words may be sent by mail/e-mail/fax to the Organising Secretary, ICPEP-2, not later than 31 May, 2001. The abstract should include main body of the abstract, key words and full address of the authors up to town and country with an asterisk marked against the name of the presenting author.

Posters: The space given for the poster would be 1.5 m (height) x 1.2 m (width). The authors will themselves display their posters at their respective poster sessions. Necessary material for the display will be provided.

Oral presentation: Oral presentations will be of 15 minutes duration, including discussions. Overhead, 35 mm projection, LCD/CD/multi media facilities will be available for presentation.

Full papers: Manuscripts should follow the pattern of Environmental Pollution published by Elsevier Science, Oxford (U.K.). Manuscript of the full paper along with a floppy should be submitted at the Secretariat of the Conference on or before 6th November, 2001.